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Showing posts from March, 2023

Blue Madeira Health Gluco Burn

  Blue Madeira Health Gluco Burn  - However, only the last spouse’s exemption is portable. So one cannot re-marry in a serial manner to accumulate estate tax exemptions.When a married person dies, he or she can pass all of his/her property to a surviving spouse without incurring any estate tax because of the unlimited marital deduction. So, if husband and wife each have an estate of $5 million, husband can pass his $5 million to wife estate tax free. So when wife dies, her estate would be worth $10 million. Without portability, wife could pass up to $5 million estate tax free, but her estate would be required to pay a 35% estate tax on the excess.Prior to the existence of portability, the most common way to use both estate tax exemptions of a married couple was to create a “Family Trust” upon the death of the first spouse. Other names used for a Family Trust are “Credit Shelter Trust”, “Bypass Trust” and “Residuary Trust”. Upon the first spouse’s death, an amount equal to the decedent’